Jul 4, 2009

Noi case în Zorilor

New, crowded houses in Zorilor neighborhood.


  1. Is it a relatively new suburb in Cluj?

    I've seen similar houses next to the countryside or the hills here.

  2. Hola Cristóbal, actually this is not a new suburb, they are just new houses built for affluent people on a transformed urban area, formelly occupied by some poor deteriorated houses and small abandoned spaces. That's why they are so crowded, they had to adapt to a previous, unappropriate urban plan. Indeed, there is a sloped area there, but as part of a huge hill where the entire Zorilor neighborhood is situated, which is larger than this housing community, and encompasses many other kind of buildings and urban setting, as you can see in another picture from the same neighborhood by checking the "Zorilor" tag. Greetings from Cluj!
